New Update – Faster Click2Sell Reports!

Dear Click2Sell.EU members,

All this past month we at Click2Sell.EU were working really hard to prepare a new system’s version. There were a lot of new improvements and tweaks made that makes Click2Sell.EU an even better system to sell your digital and material products online and of course – run your own affiate program and your whole affiliate marketing business. After new update we have faster Click2Sell reports!

But, let’s start from the major features and new tweaks.

As more and more new merchants and affiliates join and start using Click2Sell.EU system to sell ebooks, software or any other products online, we get higher workload on our side – especially the servers. We put a lot of development hours to make Click2Sell.EU not only a user-friendly system, but we were also constantly improving the overall website’s and member area speed.

Some of the most active Click2Sell.EU merchants noticed that the more affiliates promoted their products, the slower the reporting section became. This reporting section includes all the in-depth statistical Click2Sell reports:

  • General Report;
  • Daily Report;
  • Conversion Report;
  • Referral Report;
  • Keywords Report;

and Tracking Channels report (can be found by navigating to For Merchant –> My Products –> Tracking Channels).

So let’s start with the first two reports. General and Daily reports were optimized before and the performance speed was increased more than 60 times. However some time later this was not enough for our major merchants as the reports got a bit slow to load – especially the longer time periods such as "Last 30 days" or the whole "This Year". So this time we made even deeper optimizations in these reports and re-builded the whole database structure to gather the data. After these new optimizations we managed to increase the report loading speeds even more. So now all Click2Sell.EU members who use the system heavily to run their affiliate marketing business will notice a definite increase in the servers’ response times and these reports will show data much faster.

Conversion Report:
This report was working quite OK, however as time went on it became a bit slow for some merchants and affiliates because a lot of stats were stored on the database. We have remade the structure of the whole database for this report, introduced some new tables to make it work even faster. The achieved result – 17 times faster report!

Referral Report:
This report is a great thing that allows a merchant or affiliate to see all the websites refering visitors and exact sales of the product. However, there was a problem that this report was very slow… Until now! We have re-done the whole structure of how the data is saved into our databases, implemented additional data tables to store and show the data even faster. We achieved astonishing results: the referral report’s speed increased around 120 times!

A few weeks ago (before the optimizations) some of the merchants were not able to load this report at all because of the amount of referral data. Now it takes less than 15 seconds to load ~400 different referral urls with all their brought number of views, visitors and sales! And this is for all "This Year" time period on the very active accounts with lots of referring websites. Shorter periods such as "Last 30 days" or "Last 7 days" load the referring websites almost immediately.

Keywords report:
We have also improved a lot the Keywords report. It was also optimized to perform much faster. The overall speed increase is similar to the Referral’s report. Now you can easily load more than 700 different keywords with all information about the search engines, views, visitors and sales in less than 15 seconds using "This Year" filter.

We have additionally gathered a list of bad – spam keywords. We made the system not to display such spammy keywords. These are mainly the script errors or urls with id that were not shown correctly.

Tracking Channels report:
This report was reworked the most. The performance speed not only increased as much as 100 times. Now the huge report is loaded within a blink of an eye regardless of how much data you have on your account. The overall report was changed. We increased the number of tracking channels being displayed at the same page to 50. We have also added an additional "Total" line at the bottom of the report as per our members request. Now overall data of all tracking channels can be seen with sums and averages for conversion and refund rates.

We changed the ‘Delete’ option to ‘Edit’, so the merchants are able to edit all tracking channels’ names and rename them (it’s useful when you add more channels for tracking the same source). We left the "Delete" option inside the "Edit" menu.


As you see, a lot of new changes has been made. We have also implemented some small improvements on all these reports: we have turned on the additional caching option. So the reports are not reloaded when you want to see the 2nd or 3rd page of the results. Additional sorting options were also implemented. Now it is possible to sort the data on all reports by name, views, visitors, sales, conversion and refund percentages and all related other data.

Now we have faster Click2Sell reports than they were before, so we hope that now our members will enjoy Click2Sell.EU system’s performance and page loading speed even more! A lot of improvements were made on the system that cannot be easily seen by merchants and affiliates (in the background), however, we can guarantee that Click2Sell.EU became a much more stable, secure and reliable system than it was ever before.

Here at Click2Sell.EU we do our best to make you succeed!
Have a nice day.


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