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Test buy error and cannot save Paypal API information


Hi I have set up my first product, however there are two problems. 1) When I do a test buy I get the error ‘ cannot ship to selected country’ even though all countries are selected under the product’s settings. 2) When configuring my paypal website payments pro account with clcik2sell – I have entered my api username, signature etc. however it comes up with the error ‘login should be in the form of an email address.’ My email address for the paypal account is so I don’t know why it doesn’t like it. I have suspended the product until this matter is resolved.

I have personally checked your account to see if everything is working correctly for you. Here are my answers:
1) I tried to make a ‘Test Buy’ for your product to see if I get the same error. I paid you 0.01 GBP and Paypal returned me a payment validation error – your Paypal’s e-mail address entered on Click2Sell.EU was a secondary address. So I fixed that configuration issue on your Click2Sell.EU account for you and then ran a test purchase again. The test purchase was successful, I was redirected to your modified thank-you page. Everything went smoothly. I did not get any ‘cannot ship to selected country’ errors. Maybe it was a temporary glitch for you? Please, clean your browser’s cookies and make a test purchase again to see if the same problem appears for you again.

2) It’s good to know that you have chosen to use Paypal PRO account on Click2Sell. It looks like you tried to configure your API data unsuccessfully. Please, navigate to: My Profile –> My Payment Processors again and click to edit your
Paypal’s information in order to enter API data. Enter this data and please, don’t forget to remove while blank space after the end of e-mail/API details, etc. Because of this issue you were not able to save your Paypal PRO account. Now, once you remove this white blank space, you should have no problems saving the API data. Once you save this data, please, click on ‘Setup’ to setup payment processors mapping – credit card for your account.

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