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How to gather customer’s personal information with the orders?


hello again,

I am trying add my merchant product, but I still do need the address since I am shipping a free cd for the price of shipping, then offering a monthly service for 4 months. so if I just use the subscription billing, will I still receive the address of my customer. thanks again for your time

Dear Nicholas,

Thank you for your questions and interest in Click2Sell.EU. In order to gather the customer’s address on your checkout form, just make sure you select ‘Gather additional personal information from buyer’ and then all the data entered on the checkout page will be stored along with your order. You will be able to see that information by clicking on a certain transaction (on Transaction report) and then clicking ‘View Order’ or simply on For Merchant –> My Orders page. Yes, if you use the subscription billing, you will receive the address of your customer.

If you have any other questions or just need some help, please, let us know. We will do our best to help you.


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