Hi, I can’t issue Paypal refund on Click2Sell. When I click on the “refund” button, the page just reloads and didn’t process a refund for me. Could you please advice?
Thank you,
Dear Seree,
I have just checked your Click2Sell.EU account and found some misconfigurations. That’s why you can’t issue PayPal refund. Please, login to your account and navigate to:
My Profile –> My Payment Processors –> Paypal (click on your e-mail).
As you can see you only have Paypal e-mail address filled, while there is no API username, signature/key entered. In order for refunds to work, you have to enter your Paypal API credentials on Click2Sell.EU account, then our system will be able to connect with your Paypal account and issue refunds. On Click2Sell.EU payment processors page you will find all the instructions on how to create your Paypal credentials and enter them on your account, so just follow them you you will be ready to go. You may also read detailed information How to get Paypal API. Once you complete adding the API information to Click2Sell.EU, just find a desired transaction on Transactions report, click on it and then click on ‘Refund’ to refund that certain transaction.
I hope this answers all your questions. If you have anything more to add, just let me know. I will do my best to help you!
Click2Sell.EU – The Most Innovative Affiliate Network!
Tags: issue paypal refund