Questions and answers about Click2Sell: Selling, Affiliates, Payments, Tracking, Reports

Download link and thank you page

I want to know where is the download link and thank you page?
After filling in your forms I did the test buy. Pay-Pal took me money
and made a deposit into my account. So far so good. But, i couldn’t find
download link and thank you page… Shouldn’t I have something to click to
make sure the download is as it should be? Allen
P.S. So far I love your site. It is easy for a newbie to use. I will be telling
every one I know (online) about it. AB

Hello Allen,

thanks for contacting us!

I’m glad to see that you have successfully done the test buy.
Regarding the download link and thank you page, it is actually up to you.
In product settings you have specified “”
as your product’s thank-you page. That’s the page which your customers
will see after a successful purchase. You need to place a download link
there, if you want your customers to be able to download something.

Alternatively you can choose “Default” thank you page and upload the
product into our server. Then your customers will be redirected to our
default “thank-you” page (which can be modified) and there they will
find the download link. Also an email with download link will be sent to
their email address.

If you want to change “thank-you” page URL, you have to go this way:
“For Merchant” -> click on product’s name -> click on “Configure basic
settings” -> select Step2.

In the same place you can upload your file, if you decide to host your
file in our server.

If you want to customize our default “thank you” page, then go this way:
“For Merchant” -> click on product’s name -> click on “Customize product
pages” -> select “Thank-You Page”.

If you have more questions or need further explanations, just let me know!

Vytis Vyskupaitis
